SaaS Based Solutions

NexInfo has specialized in the delivery of SaaS applications to businesses so that they may be up and running and utilizing the advanced applications in the shortest time. SaaS – Software as a Service is gaining ground across the world because it provides easy access to advanced software at the lowest cost, but it also poses a challenge to companies that want to adopt it, because of the lack of a ‘proven playbook’.

NexInfo has been developing and deploying SaaS applications for over 10 years and so understands the challenges in the journey from legacy applications to a SaaS based model. NexInfo helps educate companies that moving from Legacy to SaaS applications is the same as having another upgraded version of legacy applications.

It requires business process realignment and change management that allows organizations to use the applications to their full potential and also optimize on the number of licenses that they need to subscribe by clearly redefining roles and responsibilities.

NexInfo also has developed and deployed its own SaaS applications and so has deep expertise in extending and customizing prepackaged SaaS applications on different platforms. NexInfo can also help you develop completely new SaaS applications to suit your needs.

NexInfo specializes in all of the Oracle, Salesforce and Zenoti SaaS platforms and applications.

Connect for ‘No Obligation’ Expert Guidance.
