The NexInfo team helped WHW through Employment Success Program

About WHW

Women Helping Women (WHW) is a nonprofit organization based in Orange County, California, that is dedicated to empowering individuals to achieve economic self-sufficiency through its Employment Success Programs. WHW generates revenue to support its mission through two resale stores, which also serve as job training centers for program participants. WHW’s annual Saturday Sale offers hundreds of high-quality branded clothing and accessories for women and men at discounted prices.

WHW partnered with NexInfo, a top provider of supply chain and business consulting services, to prepare and enhance the event’s impact.

NexInfo Expertise

NexInfo’s team of experts worked closely with WHW to analyze the organization’s supply chain and identify areas for improvement. NexInfo Team conducted a comprehensive inventory management review, uncovering opportunities for optimization within the organization.

The team suggested a real-time inventory tracking system, enabling WHW to monitor levels and adjust inventory during the sale day. It helped ensure popular items didn’t sell out quickly and prevented excess inventory at the end of the day.

In addition to inventory management, NexInfo also guided optimizing the layout of the sale to maximize sales and improve the overall shopping experience for customers. We worked with WHW to identify the most popular items and recommended placing them in prominent locations within the store. We recommended color-coded pricing to help shoppers quickly identify item prices during the sale.

With the help of NexInfo’s team, WHW was able to make significant improvements to its operations and prepare for its annual Saturday sale with confidence. The event was a huge success, with record-breaking attendance and sales. 

Real-time inventory tracking system

The real-time inventory tracking system was valuable for WHW, enabling them to make on-the-fly adjustments and satisfy shoppers’ needs. NexInfo’s guidance optimized WHW’s supply chain and sales strategy and fulfilled its mission of empowering individuals toward employment self-sufficiency.

WHW intends to collaborate with NexInfo to enhance operations and the supply chain to deliver high-quality services and support. In conclusion, NexInfo’s experts maximized WHW’s annual Saturday Sale impact, one of its biggest events, through effective preparation